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How to Edit Existing Preapproval Amounts

Here at JVZoo we are always trying to find ways to make it even easier for you to build up your recurring income.

In order to help you keep as much of your current recurring income as possible…

….and to allow you to continue to service and educate your customers at a time where they need it the most, we’re giving you the ability to edit individual subscription amounts for customers.

You can for example…

  • Lower the amount for the next payment all the way down to $0.50 if needed.
  • Lower all future payments the same way
  • Increase prices again when the customer is willing and able to pay the full amount.

This will be a fantastic tool for helping you maintain and grow your recurring income.

If a customer wants to cancel you can offer them a discounted monthly rate. After all, some recurring income is most often better than none!

This feature is already live, you can use it immediately – and here’s exactly how it works.

You now have an edit button at the top of each of your active subscriptions – like this…

Recurring_Details_-_JVZoo.jpgOnce you click on the edit button you now edit the next payment, all future payments (or both) – like this…


We hope you love these changes and will put them to good use. They should help you maintain your recurring income a lot easier, even in these trying times. And the changes will also make it a lot easier for you to quickly build up your recurring income and secure your own financial freedom.

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