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How to View Customer Surveys

JVZoo now allows customers to rate and review products that they have purchased through customer surveys.  As the seller of the product, you can review these surveys and the feedback provided. To see any reviews of your products go to Sellers > Reports > Customer Surveys as shown here

The Customer Survey report defaults to show surveys completed today, but you can change the date range on the report by using the dropdown.  You can also filter it by product, transaction id and if the customer is willing to provide a testimonial.  We show the date the survey was completed, the affiliate who was credited for the sale, if any, the name of the product, transaction id, customer’s email, if they are willing to give a testimonial or not, the product rating, and the average product score for that product.  To see more information about the survey simply click the “Show Survey” button.

Once you click Show Survey you will see the questions that the customer was asked and their answers.  Please note that the questions customers are asked varies based on the rating that they have selected.  


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