JVZoo now offers 1 Click Upsells for funnels. To enable this feature on a funnel go to Sellers Dashboard > Manage Funnels, click on the funnel that you want to offer 1 Click Upsells and turn on “One Click Upsell” as shown here:
All products will need to be added to your account and approved by compliance then added to your funnel. Once you have set up your funnel and enabled One Click Upsell, you will simply add the buy buttons to the products that you have added to your funnel as the upsells. You can find the buy buttons by clicking the 3 dots next to your product, then click on buy buttons and selecting the name of your funnel from the dropdown list. Please note that you have to use the funnel buy button code on each product for the One Click Upsell to work.
Once you have added the funnel buy buttons, when a customer purchases the front end product, they will then be taken to the sales page for the next product in your funnel and can click the buy button. That product will then be added to their purchase without the customer having to go to the checkout page and re-enter their payment info. They will be taken to the next product in the funnel, and so forth. If they choose not to purchase any additional products, they will be taken to their customer account where they will see a screen showing all the products they purchased as shown here: