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Pending Review Status

Transactions within JVZoo are displayed in the current status/standing in which they are deemed by the payment processor.

While PayPal has always utilized a “Pending” status that reflected incomplete transactions (abandoned cart), transactions in dispute or declined payments, they’ve most recently introduced a status, “Pending Review.”

This new status reflects transactions that have triggered a manual review from PayPal and JVZoo has made changes within our system to properly reflect this additional status within our user accounts.

As Paypal relies more heavily on AI (Artificial Intelligence), we may see an influx of new status types, as well as an increase in flagged transactions while they work through the kinks.

As an affiliate, you will see the status of transactions displayed exactly as they are in the current state at PayPal.

As PayPal reviews the transactions and makes updates to their status, you will see the status update within JVZoo.

If the transaction moves from “Pending Review” to “Completed,” the commission will become available for normal withdrawal within JVZooPay.

If the transaction moves from “Pending Review” to “Refunded,” this will be reflected within your transaction details.

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